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Pedigree of Lily_G3C13

Lily_G3C13    Tom_G4C2301       Lily_G5C43       test cat 2     
Breed: Chaussie
Color: Black Ticked Tabby
Breed: British Shorthair
Color: Chocolate Tipped Harlequin
 test cat 3     
Breed: Asian Longhair (Tiffanie)
Color: Chocolate Mackerel Torbie
Breed: Tenessee Rex Longhair
Color: Cream Lynx Harlequin Point
Breed: Kurillian Bobtail Shorthair
Color: Fawn Tortie Shaded with White
Breed: Aphrodite Longhair
Color: Cinnamon Tortie Shaded with White