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ID Cat Name Breed Cat Color Published Actions
81 Lily_G4C301 Bambino Chocolate Silver Ticked Tabby Mink
82 Lily_G4C401 Chaussie Black
83 Tom_G4C501 Pixiebob Shorthair Polydactyle Black Spotted Tabby
84 Tom_G4C601 Turkish Angora Lilac Tortie Smoke
85 Tom_G4C701 Laperm Longhair Seal Golden Mackerel Lynx Harlequin Point
86 Tom_G4C801 Tonkinese Shorthair Lilac Sepia
87 Tom_G4C901 Himalayan Fawn Tortie Golden Shell Point
88 Lily_G4C1001 Persian Lilac Torbie Sepia
89 Tom_G4C1101 Siamese Blue Silver Lynx Bicolor Point
90 Lily_G4C1201 Asian Longhair (Tiffanie) Chocolate Silver Mackerel Tabby
91 Lily_G4C1301 Pixiebob Longhair Black Spotted Tabby
92 Lily_G4C1401 Pixiebob Longhair Black Spotted Tabby
93 Tom_G4C1501 Persian Fawn Silver Ticked Torbie Bicolor
94 Tom_G4C1601 Australian Myst Lilac Spotted Tabby Sepia Karpati
95 Tom_G4C1701 Pixiebob Longhair Black Spotted Tabby
96 Lily_G4C1801 Anatoli Cream Mackerel Tabby with White
97 Lily_G4C1901 British Shorthair Blue Smoke with White
98 Tom_G4C2001 Tonkinese Longhair Red Mink
99 Tom_G4C2101 Aztek Fawn Classic Tabby
100 Tom_G4C2201 Singapura Seal Ticked Tabby Sepia